Justice & Mercy
/Have you ever had something pop into your head and you really have no idea where it came from? It's happened to me quite a bit lately. The other day I was getting ready to head to lunch when this thought came to me:
What if I was more aware of the needs around me? What if there was a way to get a lot of people connected and united with the mission to make a difference in our world for the Kingdom? What if I started such a project? How can I help others to help others?
Ideas started flooding my mind. Where did they come from? Sometimes I have a hard time differentiating my dreams from inspiration from the Holy Spirit. I wonder, what is the difference? God has been doing some crazy things in my heart as of late. I almost fear becoming a radical. What will this mean for my life? What will he call me to do? I'm not sure what God is going to do, but I am ready to find out!
I don't know about you all, but I'd love to do more to help people. My problem is that I'm not sure of where to start. Simply giving money to the church and expecting the ministers to impact the world just isn't good enough for me. I want to be a part. I want to make a difference for Christ in this world.
I want to love justice and mercy.
What good is my worship of the Savior if I have no love for the lost, the needy, the broken, the widows and orphans? How can I say that I serve Jesus Christ and NOT reach out to them?
I have a vision.
I see our generation rising up as the Bride of Christ. We can be more unified now than ever before. We have so many things to our advantage. I see this generation leaving behind the comforts of our culture and using our resources to reach this world. I see us rising up to proclaim the glory of Jesus Christ, showing the world that He is worthy by giving up everything for Him. I see the Spirit move in power among us. I hear us proclaiming, "Jesus, we are here for You!" And oh, how I yearn to witness it all come to pass.
This video rocked my world. God has been speaking these very same things to my heart. This was confirmation. Please, take a moment to watch it. I'm not sure about everything he says, but the principle behind this video is worth seeing.
"If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother in needy but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with workds or speech but with actions and in truth." (1 John 3:17-18)