What's Next, Father?

Since I am teaching both my older girls and younger boys, I’ve tried to teach the boys to ask, “Whats’s next, Mommy?” after they finish a project. I need to help them learn not to run off the minute I go help the girls. I’d say they remember 50% of the time. The other 50% they run off and make a mess somewhere in the house, and I have to go find them and show them what’s next.

Spiritually, I’m a lot like my little boys. As I’ve been teaching them to say, “What’s next, Mommy?” throughout the day, He’s been teaching me to ask, “What’s next, Father?” too. My prayer life has changed a lot in the past few months, as I’m try to rely on the Lord for His wisdom moment by moment. He knows what is most important in the long list of things that need my attention. It’s easy for me to be completely overwhelmed. But I’m trying to trust Him down to the most minute things, even when to do which school actives and when to run my errands. I want a “What’s next, Father?” kind of life. It’s honestly so freeing. I don’t feel the stress or pressure to do it all, but instead take my day and all it’s needs to my Father. When I run off and decide what’s next on my own, I either make a mess or choose to exhaust myself by not relying on His wisdom and strength. Even our weekly adventures have become so much sweeter because I know my Father told me it was “next” and so we went. Of course I probably ask “What’s next?” much less than 50% of the time. I stumble in many, many ways! I just want to be quick to return when I make a mess to say, “Father, I ran ahead again and made a mess. Help me! I need your wisdom. What do you have for me next?”