My three, for now...

My three, for now...

Only God could have known and planned our family. As I look back to my days of longing for a home full of children, I’m grateful for His timing. I don’t understand exactly why children come when they do. Some are surprises, and some wait with longing for years and years. Some go through loss after loss. It doesn’t make sense to me, but it does make me grateful. I look at them, fully aware they are a gift and a reward I don’t deserve and did nothing to earn. I think scripture puts it perfectly:

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Hello, TWINS!

Hello, TWINS!

“TWO! WHAT? No way…this can’t be real.” And yet, there they were: two perfect babies on the screen. They moved and kicked around. We had found out a few weeks prior that we were very unexpectedly expecting again. “Four?” I wondered, “the timing sure is crazy, Lord!” After all, we just moved our little family across the country, from the coastal South East to the mountainous West. I had trouble getting peace about being pregnant again so soon after having our son, Elias. We have still been adjusting and settling in out here, and now…what a ride we’ve been on in 2020! Then all of the sudden, baby #4, became #4 and #5! (To clue you guys in, twins don’t run in my family - and we were preventing at the time.)

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Lee Family Session | Deer Creek Reservoir, Utah

Lee Family Session | Deer Creek Reservoir, Utah

When Taylor reached out to let me know they were visiting the Salt Lake City area, and wanted a family session during their visit, I almost fell out of my chair. Taylor and Austin were one of my early wedding couples, many, many moons ago when I photographed weddings. I LOVED their day, and kept up with them over the years via social media. It’s pretty amazing that we live in a place that so many of our east-coast friends and family want to visit! Utah is such a spectacular place. I honestly didn’t think much of it, or even have it on our list for a visit. Man, we were missing out! Back to the Lee family…it was so fun to get to meet up again to photograph Austin and Taylor, this time with their three beautiful children! The last time I had seen them was as they were leaving for their honeymoon! Much has changed. I didn’t even have any kids then either!

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Schelm Family | Eden Gardens Maternity

Schelm Family | Eden Gardens Maternity

I love this session for many reasons, but the main one is that it’s so sentimental. I had the joy of photographing Michelle’s bridal portraits here 3 years before, and it holds many special memories. It’s impossible not to love this picturesque place. It was an honor to capture the these three before they became a family of four!

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My Mom's Legacy...

My Mom's Legacy...

As many of you know, my sweet mama met Jesus almost two weeks ago on January 27th, 2020. As we all sang “Build My Life” around her bedside, (My dad, all six kids, their spouses, all the grandchildren, and even her parents via FaceTime), she left our presence and entered the fullness of the presence of God. With our hands raised and tears in our eyes, we watched her finish her course with joy as we sang. As her last breath left her, she smiled. It’s moment I will never forget. We can only imagine the incredible reward she has now, forever home in glory with the God she loved and served so faithfully.

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