Hello, TWINS!


“TWO! WHAT? No way…this can’t be real.” And yet, there they were: two perfect babies on the screen. They moved and kicked around. We had found out a few weeks prior that we were very unexpectedly expecting again. “Four?” I wondered, “the timing sure is crazy, Lord!” After all, we just moved our little family across the country, from the coastal South East to the mountainous West. I had trouble getting peace about being pregnant again so soon after having our son, Elias. We have still been adjusting and settling in out here, and now…what a ride we’ve been on in 2020! Then all of the sudden, baby #4, became #4 and #5! (To clue you guys in, twins don’t run in my family - and we were preventing at the time.)

After we found out about the twins, suddenly God gave both Jonathan and I such a unique peace and joy. It as if it was always supposed to be this way, we just didn’t know it. It was hard for me not to fear going through the pregnancy and delivery process again before we found out about the twins, due to my slightly traumatic experience with Elias. It didn’t seem smart to put my body through all of that again, so in our minds, we were done having children. Even still, I told the Lord that I wanted to hold nothing back from Him, so I would surrender if He wanted us to have another, but He would have to make it clear. Well, it is obviously very clear now! He have us two miracles! And they are identical twins at that! Their existence is miraculous to me, and it gives me such peace that they are truly His gracious gift. My fear has evaporated, because I know this journey is totally in His hands. Twins, especially identical twins, are considered a high-risk pregnancy and we will simply have to do what is best for them. We will have growth check-ups every two weeks, and so far everything has been very different from my other “normal” pregnancies.

We know it will be quite the journey. I mean, we will soon have 3 under 19 months, and 5 that are 6 and under! I’m sure there will be lots of adjusting. Even so, we see these sweet babies as double the blessing. We believe God’s word to be true, and that children are indeed a heritage from the Lord. We thank Him for the honor of two more souls to raise! I am honestly so excited when I think about these sweet little identical babies. I can’t imagine looking down at two precious sweethearts in my arms. I can just picture them all running around in some future backyard, or going on hikes together and various other shenanigans that I’m sure they’ll get into. When I look towards the future, I just feel so blessed. Yes, this pregnancy and babyhood will be interesting, but goodness, I am just so grateful I get to have a home full of more children than I ever knew I wanted. What a miraculous gift God has given us. I cannot wait to see how He will further our trust in Him through it all.