Small Things Are Big to God

Small Things Are Big to God

You know what freedom feels like? Letting go of any desire to "make it" in the industry, to have our music "out there" in some way, the desire to be published here or there, caring about likes or followers, traveling to certain places, shooting for a certain style of client, to be known, "keeping up" with people/ social media, to have people perceive me a certain way, to do anything "big" for God, etc, etc, etc...God broke me of the chains I didn't even know I had this Summer. And I have felt so much freedom since. I don't have it all right, and I battle against caring too much about what others think and not enough about what GOD thinks. What is there to strive for if not good goals? Goals are good right? Absolutely! But the Lord is leading me to let go of all that in pursuit of small things. No more striving. No more looking for when the flowers will bloom - just digging in the dirt and being faithful to tend my little plot of earth every day and keep out the weeds.


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Why Not Being "Good Enough" Doesn't Matter

Why Not Being "Good Enough" Doesn't Matter

There is this deep-rooted fear in my heart of not being good enough, not measuring up and being  tried and found wanting still. I think many of us have this same fear. For me it goes back to when I entered a new class in first grade. I was the new girl, venturing into a new class. I was a little shy, but I don't think I'd ever struggled too much with self-consciousness. But that day changed me. Fairly carefree, I asked a table full of girls if I could sit with them for snack. They replied, "This table is only for cool girls with sparkly chapstick." And my fate was sealed. Uncool. Not enough. 

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Savannah & Trevor | Atlanta Engine Room Film Wedding

Savannah & Trevor | Atlanta Engine Room Film Wedding

I have so many sweet wedding day's so share from this Spring and Summer, so I thought I'd start off with this sweet day on the outskirts of Atlanta. Savannah & Trevor have an incredibly unique chemistry - one that brings everyone into their joy. And it was a joyous day. It was that beautiful joy that radiated around everyone involved, making it not only beautiful because of the details, people and gowns, but more so because you were wrapped up with their story. It was the perfect summation of their relationship thus far, and the most incredible way to start of their new adventure. And adventurous is certainly how I'd describe them as well. They left their wedding to start a new life in San Francisco.

So, I enjoy a little peek at the story of their day today. Thank you so much for allowing me to tell a piece of your adventurous, joyous lives Savannah & Trevor!

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Colorado Adventures | 6 Years Together

Colorado Adventures | 6 Years Together

It's hard to believe the immensity of the things I have yet to post here from Spring and Summer. Today I had to share a few of our adventures from Colorado this Spring. We flew out for my 1:1 workshop and spent a few extra days driving all over what felt like half of the state, which may or may not be true! We drove over to Crested Butte (where we had an anniversary session with Laura Nelson -she's amazing!) then to Telluride, Silverton, Colorado Springs and down to the Great Sand Dunes National Park. We saw as much as we possibly could in four days. I don't get to do as many adventures with my husband, so these memories are so sweet for me. We had a lot of time together in the car, talking about life and dreams. And bonus, we'll plan on using the memories that we created as album art for our upcoming album, which many of you probably don't know. Some of these places were inspiration for writing and have had a big impact on our lives. Travel is incredible that way. It's so refreshing to get away from the "normal" and experience something fresh, let it seep into who I am and harness what truths become vivid for everyday living. I wish I had more poetic words for these images, but that will probably have to wait for the music that goes along with them soon. 

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