
I’ve lost my taste, I hope for good
My soul is weary of things that don’t last
Tired of wasting time on things like sand
One day here, the next withered like grass

I long for what truly quenches my thirst
Not an empty cup that promises more
I need a drink from a deep well that satisfies
Not a giving belied by making more poor

Having glimpsed true beauty and goodness
In contrast everything is lackluster to me
Like a pebble masquerading as a diamond
A façade like a dessert feigning as sea

But You don’t give empty words and accolades
You’re Life Itself, not just a white-washed tomb
I’m immersed in a flood of your fullness
Like a drop in a river is consumed

Yours a beauty that will never fade
A glory that takes eternity to unfold
Gold so pure it’s worth losing everything else
If indeed there was anything better to hold

What other splendor takes me into itself?
Who else can give all yet never have less?
You are wonders beyond description
So gladly I pass by all the rest

Should I let my gaze wander away again
Should I drink the cup of this world
Remind me it’s bitter and meaningless
True fulfillment is only in You, Lord

I’ve lost my taste, by grace, for good