My Double-Portion


For months now I have been praying for a double-portion of the boldness my mom had in sharing the gospel...which is ultimately a request for more of God-Himself. As we have been discovering our calling here in Utah, I have desired that I would be bold when opportunities come may way, just like my mother (and your Amma) who has now gone to be with Jesus. I believe God has answered me, in part, with you two! I have indeed received a double portion.

Elisha also asked for a double-portion in 2 Kings 2. He had been called by Elijah to be his successor as a prophet of God. As Elijah was about to be taken up into heaven, Elisha was given the opportunity to make a request, so he asked for a double-portion of the Spirit Elijah had, essentially He asked for double of his ministry, blessing and power from God. I find all of this so meaningful. Your older brother, Elias, is named after Elijah. His name is the greek form, and I have prayed that He would grow to be a man of boldness and prayer like Elijah. And then I started praying for a double-portion of boldness these past few months…and then you two souls came to life! I cannot help but think God has answered me in an unexpected way with your lives.

There is also some other similarities to you two and Elisha. You see, when Elijah called Elisha, he was plowing with oxen. Then he immediately went home, killed his oxen, burned his plow in order to cook the meat, and gave it all away. In a similar way, God has also solidified my calling with you two. With three children, I had plans for the talents God has given me: doing things in ministry, investing deeper in others, writing, music, creative work, etc... Now my plow is burned. There is no going back. With five blessings, my life will now be mostly spent loving and raising you. All the gifts God has given me will be used for your benefit, and if God has other ways of using them, He will provide those opportunities. I believe that because of you, He will increase my calling and further the gifts He has given me…it just won’t be how I envisioned it. I’ll use all I am for your benefit, and God will provide the opportunities to be bold as I have asked of Him! I will gladly use all I am for you, for Jesus. He will provide for the rest.

I pray God’s boldness and blessing over your life. Even after his death, Elisha had been given such a special blessing, that when a dead man was thrown upon Elisha’s bones, he immediately stood to his feet - alive! I pray your your lives, and mine, are full of God in such a way! It is a big request, but then again, we serve the God of impossible. And here you are, my double-portion, double-life, double-blessing, when it should not be possible. So like the impossibility of your existence, may God use your lives in impossible ways, my two sweet babies…