Family Session in the Rocky Mountains
/This incredible session is so dear to my heart. This is representative of everything I hope to give my clients. It is no secret that I love details, but the why behind them is what I love more. Working with Brooke to create meaningful family heirlooms was a beautiful process. This was her heart behind the details: "Large leafy trees, because of their deep roots and large winding branches. They have great meaning to me because they symbolize be deeply rooted in Christ. Planted of the Lord. Streams, because they are joyful, peaceful and refreshing. To me, this symbolizes being planted by the streams of living water and being refreshed in Christ. Finally mountains, mostly because we live in a beautiful state that boast of such beauty and majesty." Together we were able to bring a vision to life. It broadcasts their love for each other, a love rooted in something, Someone, far greater. For me these evoke the feeling of a beautiful journey of a family adventuring through life, learning, growing and cherishing each other. They walk together with joy in every circumstance because of the deeper meaning they have for life, like roots digging into the ground providing stability. The bigger picture of eternity overarches everything, like the grandiose mountain peaks surrounding them.