Meet Michelle!

I thought it was about time for you all to meet the best business partner (besides my wonderful husband) that a girl could ask for. She's my best friend and also happens to be my sister! I know you guys see her other times on the blog, but usually that is when we're not working. Today, I thought I'd just take a minute to brag on her.

Michelle is invaluable to me on wedding days. I love shooting with her. Together, we can swoon over the dress and little details. We can almost read each other's minds. I can just look at her and she knows exactly what I mean. Is there anything better than a sister? I love having someone that I trust completely to get the job done beautifully. She takes some killer shots. I really don't know what I'd do with out her. We are are also secretly planning her wedding one day, or at least I am! Now that we've seen so many weddings, she'll have it in the bag with planning. :)

Michelle is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. Her kind and welcoming personality is a joy. I'm so thankful to call her my sister and my business partner. She also just turned 21, so feel free to leave her some love.

I'm so thankful for you sis!