Thomas & Meredith | Autumn Wedding in Dothan AL

"God's timing is so perfect" I heard Meredith say several times throughout our times together. Listening to the story of how God brings two people together always pulls on my heart-strings. There is nothing more beautiful. Thomas and Meredith's wedding day was truly a joyous celebration of what God had done in their lives. Though it was a larger wedding, it still felt so intimate. Being there as this day unfolded was nothing short of enthralling. Two families, two lives were merging, becoming one and I was in the middle of it. One thing I love so much about photographing a wedding is that I get be a special sort of viewer. I see all the intimate moments and grand entrances. I get a front seat, really any seat during the ceremony. I see it all from the most beautiful perspectives. It's like I get to travel through a story, finding and capturing new and wonderful things as it progresses. Love stories, they sets my heart on fire.

So welcome, my friends, to the story of Thomas and Meredith. Come and see how their beautiful union began...


 I always get so emotional when brides slip into their dresses. It always reminds me of how I felt when I first put on my own wedding gown.


 That dress. I died when I first saw it. Isn't it such a classic beauty? And those flowers! Be still my heart! That cameo is also a family heirloom that belonged to a great grandmother.

You can't get any more dapper than these groomsmen in their bow ties and khaki suits!

Hello, beautiful bling.

These images are the reason I love first looks so much. True and authentic emotions are so free and the moment is so intimate.

Meredith is so beautiful. I love the little bit of sass she brings to her classic look!

Thomas gave Meredith that emerald stunner for a wedding gift. With two rings to shoot, I was in heaven!

Don't they make the most beautiful couple? Love, sweet love.

These moments with Meredith and her dad were so sweet. He cried the first time he saw her in her dress.




I'm so thankful that I was invited to be a part of your beautiful day! I know that you two will do great things together!
Happy Monday everyone!

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