Suffering Magnifies our Blessings

Suffering Magnifies our Blessings

“The very pleasures of human life men acquire by difficulties.” - St. Augustine

I have recently found myself thanking God for things I have never thanked Him for before. For example, Jonathan has lots of curly hair, and curly hair sheds…a lot. It used to drive me crazy to for so much of his hair to end up all over our shower. (He does try to clean it up though.) But after the pain of walking through almost losing him, I find that I thank God for that hair every time I shower. It is a visual reminder that I still have my husband. Pain gives us a hard but vital lesson in thankfulness. It expands what we see to be thankful for in our lives. Who would think that hardship and suffering could make you MORE thankful? When it comes to surviving and or sinking in painful seasons, we are thrust into a crossroads

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A Mother's Example | Cherry Blossom Portraits

A Mother's Example |  Cherry Blossom Portraits

If there is one thing motherhood has taught me, it is that my children learn more from what I do than what I say. If I find true enjoyment in something, they seem to enjoy it also. If I complain about something, I find they mimic my complaints later. They mirror the way I treat them, the way I talk to others, and the emotions I express. To my dismay, they often mirror my negative qualities along with the positive. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” they say. And it’s true. So what kind of apples am I growing? What kind of tree am I?

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The Principle of Spring: Life from Death

The Principle of Spring: Life from Death

There is a beautiful principle found in nature: life from death.

Just because it is beautiful doesn’t mean it isn’t hard. Death is painful. Even these stunning trees will watch every bloom die, every fruit wither, and every leaf fall. They’ll be left with a red scar where life once was. And yet, new life will come. Without the surrender to the death of what was there could never be another beautiful Spring.

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How the Nursery Reminds Me of God’s Faithfulness

How the Nursery Reminds Me of God’s Faithfulness

The twins are now officially big boys in toddler beds. I remember when I was planning their nursery just before they were born. Our time was running out at our townhouse and we had nowhere to go. We tried unsuccessfully for months to find somewhere to live. I wanted their room to reminded me of God’s faithfulness on the mountains and in the valleys. I wanted a peaceful room, full of dark and light contrast to remind me that both darkness and light are the same to Him. I can be at peace in Him, regardless of our circumstances.

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The Shepherd and the Wounded Heart

The Shepherd and the Wounded Heart

When the soul is wounded, it needs care just the same as a wounded body. I’m learning this deeply. Jonathan has a large physical wounds from this, but my soul has invisible wounds. It needs care just like a broken down body. It needs rest and things that will do it good. A wounded soul needs the medicine of the Truth, for nothing brings comfort and healing like God’s Word. It needs quiet and stillness to heal. Most of all it needs the care of the Good Shepherd, the only one who can bring true healing.

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