When He bestows and withholds...

When He bestows and withholds...

"I trust in You, O LORD; I say, 'You are my God. My times are in Your hand." Oh, how abundant is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who fear You, and worked for those who take refuge in You, in the sight of the children of mankind! Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the LORD!" (Psalm 31:14, 15, 19, 24)

Right now I am sitting in my office space in our  new house. I gaze at through our big windows and see our big, blooming Camellia bushes, the sun shining on our deck and little Robins flitting from one tree to another. My heart is overcome with thankfulness for this beautiful home. We don't deserve this; it is above and beyond all we hoped for or dreamed. It is grace poured out into our lap. Of course, it's not perfect. I could make a fairly long list of all that others might change, but it's just right for us. We think it is incredibly beautiful, and a perfect place for our little family to grow. The day we got the keys we came in to look at our then empty home. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub we thanked God for this lavish blessing and gave it back to Him. We know it's not really ours, even though that's what the deed says.

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Moving & few nursery things...

Moving & few nursery things...

We are currently in the middle of packing up our whole house and moving to a new place. It's been a slow process this time around. (Maybe little girl has something to do with that.) After knowing about our move since September, we cannot wait to get in and put our home together. We had no idea we'd be bringing home a baby to this place when we decided to move, but it couldn't be a more perfect family home. Things may be a little quiet for the next few weeks as we paint, paint some more, move, unpack and settle in. (One downside to having a home office is that you have to work there, even when things are chaos!) We will finally have a room just for our little girl and I cannot wait to work on setting it up. I tried to wait to purchase anything for her until after we moved, but that definitely didn't happen! Here's a few small things I've picked up. I'll be creating some art just for her this weekend and I hope that's special to her one day.

I hope you have a happy weekend friends!

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Lindsay & James | Soft, Classic Wedding

Lindsay & James | Soft, Classic Wedding

Lindsay and James are one of the sweetest couples I've ever met. I can't help but smile when I watch them interact together. After such a beautiful engagement session, I had no doubt their wedding would be timeless and gorgeous day as well. Lindsay was a vision in her classic lace gown and had us all enthralled. It was the sweetest February day, surrounded by so many wonderful people who came to celebrate their sweet love. I'm so thankful I was able to be a part of these memories.

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Caleb & Kimberly | Central Florida Garden Engagement

It is always so special to photograph a couple in a place that is meaningful to them. Caleb proposed to Kimberly in this beautiful garden a little over a month ago. While he was in town visiting, they went out to explore the lovely gardens at Bok Tower. Little did she know that he had a surprise picnic set up on a pretty green and a proposal coming her way! That was perfect on his part, right? It was such a beautiful place. I could have explored the lush, blooming paths for hours on end. Working with these two in this breathtaking location was like a breath of fresh air. After a long and cold winter, warm weather and their sweet love was a welcome change! Caleb and Kimberly met while in college at the University of Florida. (Side note: GO GATORS!) He was on the football team and she was a cheerleader. How sweet is that? Now they are planning an intimate destination wedding. I have no doubt it will be just as beautiful as their love. I'm so thankful I had the pleasure of capturing part of their story. As you can see for yourself in the following images, they are an adorable couple very much in love.

Contax 645 | Fuji 400h | RPL

Crème Brands | Studio Tour

Crème Brands | Studio Tour

Last month I had the immense privilege of photographing my sweet friend Kathryn's studio for her new website. She's the creative genius behind my own site and brand. She is such an inspiring artist. I loved being able to see the space where she creates such beautiful things. Seeing all her brand sketches blew me away. I don't know anyone else who puts as much creative effort into their creations. She has a talent for producing timeless and classic looks. I mean, the girl just knows what she's doing. Of course, I adored her white on white office. The whole room was fresh and clean with beautiful design elements. Kathryn is also one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. She is always encouraging, uplifting and simply a joy to work with and be around. I'm thankful for you friend! For the time being you can check her out here or on instagram. I'll be sure to share her gorgeous new branding site when it's up!

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